The 10 airports with more flight delays

flight delays

Summer is coming, and sometimes good to know if you have a few days of vacation, what the worst airports in the world are. We select the top 10 airports with more delays and cancellations:

flight delays

Long waits in an airport lounge, long walks through the halls of the terminals, bad snacks at exorbitant prices, misinformation … sound familiar? These tend to be some of the general tonic some airports. If you are someone who despairing, noting the world’s 10 worst airports where delays and flight cancellations happen more often.

Among the 10 airports with greater delays of the world highlights Frankfurt, Heathrow and Barajas airport. To make this type of ranking data have been used calculated based on the claims for delays made by at 238 airports. And data have been extracted based on claims for cancellations made at 229 airports. It is remarkable that in just nine months have successfully processed complaints in over 50 countries on 5 continents and in front of 122 airlines. Continue reading “The 10 airports with more flight delays”

Russell Square in London: Picnic with squirrels

Russell Square Park

Russell Square Park is a place not well known in London, and that by its small size does not happen to be of the best known parks in the capital. But it is a very “charming” and recommended park especially if you visit the nearby and essential British Museum.

Russell Square Park

A few meters from the museum, near the famous Hotel Russell, is the park where the sleepers rest by squirrels, take a lunch or relax as we see Londoners do, reading the newspaper or walking with children.

This square and public garden in the Bloomsbury district was designed in 1800 by landscape architect Humphry Repton (1752-1818), when the area was made up of large private land and virtually uninhabited. Continue reading “Russell Square in London: Picnic with squirrels”

Goa: Travel Guide to the beaches in this region of India

travel goa

Goa is synonymous in the West of endless beaches and hedonistic holiday. There are mixed communities of western hippies, tourists looking for a cheap gold and rest and a permissive local population.

travel goa

Vasco da Gama discovered the region to the West and to the middle of the twentieth century was for five centuries ruled by Portugal. The former colony following today offers a large number of beach resorts for rest and relaxation and a last Christian left their footprints (today still a third of the population of Goa is Christian). Somehow, Goa is the most mixed with the West India and noticed the Latin influence in the food and customs. For example, in Goa you can buy cheap alcohol, which in the rest of the country is more difficult. In Goa celebrates Christmas and other Christian holidays. Therefore it is a curious blend, a strange familiarity. Continue reading “Goa: Travel Guide to the beaches in this region of India”

Care when traveling by bus

traveling by bus

Always travel by bus will be cheaper to go in your own car or take a taxi. Believe it or not, it is sometimes safer to travel on a bus then go alone in unknown taxi. But we consider it important to take some points into consideration if you have decided to take a bus to another province or just within your city.

traveling by bus

We must take into account factors such as our health. If you are pregnant it is better that before taking a bus to make a long trip, you ask your doctor that you orients it. Generally not a problem if you are between 4 and 7 months of gestation, but better check.

If you travel outside, try to do it by day, and to enjoy the scenery and the sight will be interesting, avoid the dangers that exist on the roads at night. Continue reading “Care when traveling by bus”

Venice, romantic destination

venice romantic destination

If it is at the doors of your marriage and do not know what destination you choose for your honeymoon. Do not think twice, we present Venice, Italian city, known for its canals. The simple gondola ride, the architecture and the whole atmosphere of this beautiful city makes the most romantic destination in the world.

venice romantic destination

Unfortunately always suffers from floods, it is said that some day will disappear but measurements are performed in this regard. But before that happens, you should visit this city. Continue reading “Venice, romantic destination”

Travel to Egypt

travel egypt

African country over its territory has extensive surface desert, the known Sahara desert. Only around inhabited oasis and its capital is Cairo. Famous for its history, monuments, Egypt is a dream destination for men and women. Who doesn’t want to see the pyramids, the great Sphinx, as well as the ancient remains that the country has.

travel egypt

Perhaps you see far and imposing this country and believes that achieve know it in its entirety will be difficult and even dangerous, but it is not so, because often traveling with guidebooks subtract you time know the wonders that do not form part of the traditional route. Furthermore, as must know almost everything in the end will not be able to know anything in particular. Continue reading “Travel to Egypt”

Perfectly prepare your suitcase

prepare suitcase

Enlisting the luggage for a short or long trip it is a problem for all women, no woman is traveling with a single case, unless you have already been warned that you will have to pay for excess baggage. But be calm that this time we will give you excellent tips to make this task not a fuss.

prepare suitcase

First look for a suitcase comfortable with enough cushioning material so that it will protect our belongings, do not pick the biggest, and must take into account the amount of weight you should carry. Try to think small and choose a regular size suitcase but well covered. Continue reading “Perfectly prepare your suitcase”

Destination: Capri Island, Italy

Capri Island

Known as the pearl of the south of Italy, has great sights that give us a sense of paradise, also its historic buildings and its busy nightlife will make this trip unforgettable. It is in the Neapolitan area known as Campania and is part of the wonderful coast of the whole world; the islands which are part are magical and possess a rich heritage in ruins.

Capri Island

It is located in the waters of the Gulf and in Roman times was regarded as a natural, ideal for relaxation of mind and delights the senses. It’s very unique and perfect for those who want to travel far from town; get to the island is not a very long journey can be done in a day. Only up to the port and from there take the ferry to the main port of Marina Grande, then with the help of transport called funicular arrives to Capri, just depress their coasts stray far from the current world. Continue reading “Destination: Capri Island, Italy”

The best places for hiking

hiking trails

Hiking is an activity that can bring people to the natural environment through knowledge of the area through heritage and other elements. Basically, through traditional communication channels such as trails, roads or actual creeks. This practice is a perfect symbiosis between sport, culture, and environment that has more followers every day.

hiking trails

Actually, the sport combines nature trails, so this activity can be practiced almost anywhere. However, it is best to always choose official hiking footpaths that have the approval of professionals in this field who have previously led the way to make it easier and safer for citizens. Continue reading “The best places for hiking”

How to travel from Moscow to Beijing by train

Moscow to Beijing by train

Moscow and Beijing are the capitals of the world’s largest country and the most populous visit by train is an interesting option on a trip with more than a hundred years of history.

Moscow to Beijing by train

The generalization of the train as a means of long distance transport led to major countries like USA, Russia or China to use as the backbone between the cities further away from their vast territories. An example of train with these characteristics is the Trans-Siberian railway, which, in their branches, allows you to go from Moscow to Beijing. Continue reading “How to travel from Moscow to Beijing by train”