How to travel from Moscow to Beijing by train

Moscow and Beijing are the capitals of the world’s largest country and the most populous visit by train is an interesting option on a trip with more than a hundred years of history.

Moscow to Beijing by train

The generalization of the train as a means of long distance transport led to major countries like USA, Russia or China to use as the backbone between the cities further away from their vast territories. An example of train with these characteristics is the Trans-Siberian railway, which, in their branches, allows you to go from Moscow to Beijing.

Although originally the Trans-Siberian Railway connected the cities of Moscow and Vladivostok, the most Eastern of the Russian Empire, soon expanded possibilities with two more branches by railway linking Russia with China, and ending two branches in Beijing, the destination of trip.

The two branches to Beijing made its beginning in Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation, the difference between them that one of them passes through Mongolia and its capital. The Trans runs over seven thousand miles and takes about five days, while the Trans-Manchurian runs nearly nine thousand kilometers and lasts for six days.

Features of the journey between Moscow and Beijing
Although today the three routes remain a major rail network for industry and exports, is not without its usefulness as a means of transporting passengers, which makes it still use the Russians for their own personal or business travel.

It also has an important tourist attraction, both for the landscapes that is passed as the cities in which to, which leads to many visitors to make this train routes. Because of this there are many tour operators in different countries and Russia itself that offer different types of tickets.

You have the ability to stand in the different cities of the tour and then getting back on one after doing the same route for onward travel to Beijing, using the same passage.