Tips for traveling without a plan

traveling without a plan

At the GPS and cell phones, it seems unthinkable to travel without a plan. Yet it may well be that you are on holiday and forget behind your maps and GPS. Under these conditions, how to not get lost?

traveling without a plan

Taking time
You travel without a plan but you know where you should go. The best solution is to take your time. Locate the lower panel are running and make your memory: the village was there or not on your route?

Rather than getting frustrated, stop when you meet someone and ask for directions. If you travel in a big city, do not seek advice at a red light at the risk of triggering a chorus of horns and could not hear the end of the explanations.

In the countryside, it can be difficult to meet someone. Take time to stop in a cafe or a bakery, traders will be happy to assist you. Continue reading “Tips for traveling without a plan”

Where spend several holidays?

vacation solidarity

Open to other cultures, you are ready to share your expertise and your knowledge-being… You give your stay by choosing another dimension, at any time of the year for holidays together.

vacation solidarity

Your mission will lead to development assistance in the field you choose, including: transmission of knowledge, mentoring children, entertainment, and food distribution, installation of water pumps to supply the people and their livestock, reforestation…

These authentic vacation you can be lead in a francophone country, Benin, for example, in the heart of West Africa where 70% of the population is rural. Porto Novo is situated only thirteen kilometers from the ocean Atlantic. Note two animal parks including one, in common with the Niger and Burkina Faso, a country where you will visit the Cathedral of mud brick, in Ouagadougou. Continue reading “Where spend several holidays?”

Where to swim with dolphins?

swim with dolphins

Swim with dolphins… a dream that many people immutable wish to achieve or simply relive… So a simple question comes to mind, where swimming with dolphins?

swim with dolphins

Yes, seas and oceans are vast. Especially today, we can also realize this dream close to home in the water parks.

If you’ used to spend your holiday in the south, made a detour to Mandelieu where a fantastic adventure awaits you. In the Pelagos Sanctuary, a nature reserve which was identified nearly 25 000 dolphins, you can embark on a whole day to meet them. The departures are possible from Marseille, Cannes, Corsica or the Lavandou. Still in the Mediterranean, specifically off Marseille, you can participate in scouting by airplane dolphins but also whales and sperm whales. Continue reading “Where to swim with dolphins?”

Take your pet on holiday

traveling with pet

Go on vacation without your pet can be heartbreaking … Here are some tips for traveling with your pet!

traveling with pet

The first important thing is to check if the country where you are traveling accepts many foreign animals… If so, need to pay attention to the vaccination and identification.

Indeed, be it a dog, cat or ferret, it needs to be current on its vaccines, in particular rabies, and it is clearly identified by a microchip and/or tattoo. In addition, should bring its health certificate (or passport). Continue reading “Take your pet on holiday”

On vacation, beware of pickpockets!

beware of pickpockets

When you go on vacation, beware of pickpockets. In subways, at bus stops, in queues to enter the museums or reach the most famous monuments, even inside buildings, pickpockets have several fields of predilections.

beware of pickpockets

Also, a few precautions. When you travel for a few days or just the weekend to visit a place, avoid wearing expensive jewelry that could arouse lust. Similarly if you take money in cash on you, divide the either between you if you’re several or several pockets and bags that you have on you. Consider preparing a wallet for current expenses of travel tickets, drinks, meals, entrance tickets and souvenirs. This saves you from having to open such large purse or bag and show your wallet in public. Continue reading “On vacation, beware of pickpockets!”

Vaccinations Required: where to look?

required vaccines

When you go abroad, especially in risk areas of Asia, Africa and South America, it is advisable to inquire about required vaccines to prevent serious problems on the spot.

required vaccines

Check in your health record if you’ve done your vaccinations for DTP (diphtheria, tetanus and polio), pertussis, rubella for women, possibly measles and hepatitis B.

Many countries, however, require supplementary immunization, particularly against diseases known as “tropical”. For vaccination requirements for the country you are visiting, it should reconcile information from multiple stakeholders. Firstly, see the country profiles of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Then feel free to contact the embassy or consulate of the country concerned for their recommendations. Finally, there is one last source of information from the Pasteur Institute, your GP or vaccination center. Continue reading “Vaccinations Required: where to look?”

How to enjoy your holiday… despite the rain?

holiday with rain

What to do when the rain is coming to your holiday? The weather is not an exact science and it is possible that the rain comes to disturb your holiday. But bad weather is it synonymous with ruined holidays? Not always! Here are some ideas for a good time.

holiday with rain

Can you not walk because of the weather? Why not use this time to play with family? Games like tarot, belote, Scrabble or Trivial Pursuit will be for all of you with great memories and the opportunity to spend time together.

Do You like cook? So why not take advantage of the weathering for made a delicious meal, with ingredients from the region? And why not prepare a good cake for tea? To delight the taste buds of young and old! Continue reading “How to enjoy your holiday… despite the rain?”

How to hold until the next holiday?

in the park

When a vacation becomes an obsession, while long-awaited date is not so close, we must react quickly and take charge. Rather than start a countdown that could turn into a real ordeal, as well take the time to live with this. Here are some tips to finally be surprised by the arrival of the holiday.

in the park

First of all, should not split its existence between a period of relaxation dedicated to recreation and another devoted to the obligations of work and home. No, do enter the holidays in your life! Take time to breathe and enjoy all the little pleasures of life! Continue reading “How to hold until the next holiday?”

Tricks and tips for saving fuel in your holiday

saving fuel in holiday

Less money in gasoline, more money for the holidays! Waive the holidays because of the crisis? No way! Yes, but now, when you see its revenues stagnate or decrease and gasoline prices soar, you think it might be complicated… Here are some tips for cheap holiday tips and tricks to save fuel costs.

saving fuel in holiday

Go … but not far!
This is often forgotten, but it is not required to make thousands of miles to be disoriented. If you prefer to go far, limit your consumption of gasoline on the spot through places where everything can be done on foot: shops near vacation rental, camping by bringing everything you need. Continue reading “Tricks and tips for saving fuel in your holiday”

This summer, how to avoid mosquito bites?

avoid mosquito bites

Summer is finally! To you sunbathing, napping lulled by the cicadas, barbecues with family and friends that last up to an hour and not, unfortunately though, the return of mosquitoes… Here are some tips to avoid getting bullied by these small insects that can ruin the most beautiful evenings.

avoid mosquito bites

Simple but effective bit of advice: wearing more clothes, you’ll have much less chance of being stung!

It is also advisable to apply a few drops of essential oils of lavender, lemongrass or lemon in the palm of your wrist or your neck, so that the essence emerges. Indeed, it is a more than effective natural repellent to guard against possible-and-stinging mosquito bites. There are also good deterrents in pharmacy. Nevertheless, careful to read the instructions carefully, certain products are not suitable for young children. Continue reading “This summer, how to avoid mosquito bites?”