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prepare green plants

Prepare green plants before going on vacation

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Luggage: ok. Passports: ok. Children installed and secured in the car: ok. Breaker and cut other facilities, everything is ready to finally enjoy well deserved vacation. Nevertheless, for they are as successful and memorable, it is necessary that you return everything is in order, including an element that is generally forgotten within the scope of the frenzy: green plants.

prepare green plants

To learn how your plan does depart from you and with confidence, it is important to adapt your organization under your plant. Indeed, the vast majority of holidaymakers are closing their shutters before flying to their dream destination.

But many plants need light to thrive. We advise you not to leave the shutter open to give free scope to thieves, but simply to place them near a bathroom window or veranda/balcony, in your home.Read More »Prepare green plants before going on vacation

holiday in Alentejo

The Alentejo, for an exotic holiday in Portugal

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In southern Portugal, bordering the Atlantic Ocean and bathed in sunshine worthy of the most beautiful parts of the south is the Alentejo. If you fancy an exotic stay while enjoying the mild climate, Alentejo is for you!

holiday in Alentejo

Here, successive long stretches of sandy coastline composed of Portuguese wild beaches, far from mass tourism and its disadvantages. Your holidays in Alentejo are lulled by the rhythm of the sun, nature, including its fields of sight where you will see time at other houses and castles, remains of a rich historical past.

You will then take the time to visit these villages where traditions still persist. At the bend of a narrow road, you come across the famous village of Evoramonte and its magnificent medieval castle, and its olive groves and cork oak.Read More »The Alentejo, for an exotic holiday in Portugal

winter road hazards

Prevent road hazards in winter

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Who says winter told snowflakes, Christmas trees and other snowmen shaped by small and larger. Nature puts on his best coat and white seems as pure as ever. However, winter is also synonymous with sleet, hail and frost, the worst enemies that we can meet on the road.

winter road hazards

The most important before taking the road is to make your vehicle safe and as secure as possible. Indeed, your car can prove to be a danger to you, but also to other motorists. This is why you should follow some instructions to prevent the dangers of the road in winter.

The basic gesture is to first learn about the weather that you will face by going to your vacation spot. Depending on the intensity of weather phenomena, you will be even better to shift your departure for a day or more, rather than risk your life, that of your passengers, not to mention those of other drivers crossed!Read More »Prevent road hazards in winter

Trekking holiday

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The practice began trekking in the Himalayan region and the trek meant a hike in a mountain region. For several years, the definition of trekking has changed along with the practice of this activity has evolved. Approaching the definition of “backpacking”, trekking now includes a hike of several days, punctuated by nights in tents, with host families or lodges. The trek evokes freedom, autonomy, contact with nature and men…

trekking holiday

Of different durations, in many parts of the world, in a loop, or connecting one point to another, the trekking allows an in-depth observation of a country and genuine encounters with its inhabitants. With low environmental impact, trekking attract nature lovers and those looking for more holidays in accordance with their beliefs. Trekking is also an important source of income for local people, including guides, porters, drivers, cooks, hotel… a lot of people rely on income generated by this specific form of tourism.Read More »Trekking holiday

Aix en Provence

Tour of Aix en Provence

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City of art, history and culture, Aix-en-Provence has no problem to inspire the traveler. Every corner of the Roman city invites you to travel.

Aix en Provence

During a weekend in Aix-en-Provence, you will be charmed by the many facets of a city that has not finished stimulate the imagination. Indeed, the international reputation of Aix-en-Provence is due to a rich and carefully preserved, left by the different eras.

Start your tour of Aix en Provence by the Old Town where you can admire Roman ruins. At Bourg Saint Sauveur, you will find still standing the remains of a wall dating from medieval times. The Clock Tower, another symbol of the city, sits proudly on the square since 1510.Read More »Tour of Aix en Provence

fear of flying

Overcome fear of flying, it is possible!

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We have all in our entourage a person for whom the aircraft is on the order of the impossible. Perhaps you are yourself suffering from this fear of flying can be very debilitating. Follow our tips to overcome that fear and go on holiday with a good foundation.

fear of flying

The fear of flying is understandable, due to the fact that one is in the air and not attached to anything, unlike the car or train. However, be aware that car trips are 90 times more dangerous than the plane, while the train is so only 45 times.Read More »Overcome fear of flying, it is possible!

enjoy in Venice

Getting around in Venice?

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Venice is the city of lovers, the city of the Doges and their palaces but it’s also a strange city where the streets are made of water… No wonder that the means of transport have been adapted!

enjoy in Venice

The means of transport most used is the vaporetto in Venice. These small boats crisscross the city but also the Venice lagoon. The ferries service the islands of Murano and Burano, famous for their crafts. This dense network of public transport therefore allows you to move in the city or in the lagoon as you would otherwise by bus or metro. Lines the most popular with tourists are the numbers 1 and 82 who travel the Grand Canal and offers a beautiful view of the palace.Read More »Getting around in Venice?

renting a car

Rent a car in place: the benefits

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The holidays are looming on the horizon and you are crucial in the face of the organization of your stay. Whether you are on holiday by plane, train or boat, the question remains of how to get around once you arrive and the choice of public transport is sometimes binding. But have you thought about renting a car there?

renting a car

It is true that one can not always travel with his own car and made ​​to turn to car rental offers several advantages. If you plan to go on holiday by plane, taxi can cost up to one third the price of one week car rental! It is well known, the routes between the airport and downtown are often expensive and you can double the score if you arrive in the evening.Read More »Rent a car in place: the benefits

Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower in Paris

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It is impossible for all the beauty of the city of Paris to tell, this article will therefore only be about the most famous monuments of this city: The Eiffel Tower.

Eiffel Tower

To the Eiffel Tower
We walked through the park that extends from one side to the tower. Once there you stand suddenly on a very big open courtyard under a huge steel structure. In the four corners are obliquely upwardly extending legs which lifts and stairways. The construction seems to be by the different thicknesses of the steel beams a great large weaving work. If you look up you see in the distance the first floor and you suddenly have huge admiration for the people who climb the stairs on the way there.Read More »The Eiffel Tower in Paris

miami vacation

Holidays in Miami, Florida

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During your vacation in Florida, you can visit Miami Beach and Miami, which are actually two very different cities. Miami Beach is mainly dedicated to tourism, and and Miami is a city in tones much more “latino”.

miami vacation

In Miami Beach, you can stroll in the Art Deco district, for example along the Lincold Road beside which succeeds houses and mansions of great beauty. You can also stroll through the “jungle of the apes” for example, or get on a boat that will lead you to tour Miami.Read More »Holidays in Miami, Florida