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choose hotel in New York

How to choose a hotel in New York?

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You go to New York soon, you swept the different types of accommodation and your choice stopped on a hotel stay. You just have to choose between thousands of hotel. How do you choose?

choose hotel in New York

Determine your budget first and foremost. Indeed, various selection criteria that follow (e.g. location) will depend primarily on your budget. Attention also to the period: needless to say that the summer is the most expensive. Allow approximately between 150 and 200 dollars a night for a decent room, that is to say, without cockroaches in the bathroom, which is not tiny, where the welcome is warm and the location rather advantageous.Read More »How to choose a hotel in New York?

visiting Jakarta

Explore the city of Jakarta

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Located in the northwest of the Java Island, Jakarta, the largest city and capital of the Indonesian archipelago offers a unique and lively holiday. Here are some places and monuments not to be missed during your stay in Jakarta.

visiting Jakarta

By visiting Jakarta, do not forget to soak up the atmosphere that prevails there. Schedule a visit to the local shops without forgetting the luxury shops. Do not miss to discover the nightlife of the city.Read More »Explore the city of Jakarta


Dubrovnik and the island of Lokrum

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Nicknamed the “Pearl of the Adriatic”, the Croatian medieval city of Dubrovnik is known throughout the world for its architectural wealths. The old town and close to the island of Lokrum made itan increasingly popular destination.


Visit ramparts: a breathtaking view of the Adriatic Sea
Start your walk by the Pile Gate, the main entrance to the city. The tour of the ramparts is an excellent starting point for exploring the city. Experts advise to go around the wall in the direction of clockwise to mount directly on the highest part. Read More »Dubrovnik and the island of Lokrum

spend holidays at home

How to spend holidays at home

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If your budget is not enough to go on vacation, or do not have time, you can turn your home into a luxury hotel and enjoy the rest so desired.

spend holidays at home

How to enjoy the holidays at home
Do a few days off and like to go on a trip? Does the budget does not cover the costs of travel, hotel and everything associated with the holidays bring? Do not despair, here you will find some good ideas for a special holiday at home.Read More »How to spend holidays at home

enjoy bus trip

How to make more pleasant bus trip

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If traveling by bus and continued for several hours, the journey can become unbearable. What can we do to make the bus ride more enjoyable?.

enjoy bus trip

Improving bus trip
If you are someone who must travel long distances by bus to go to work, study or for any reason that forces you to move more easily through this transport, you know that at the end of the week the tiredness is felt also that each trip can be completely tedious and boring.Read More »How to make more pleasant bus trip

enjoy roller coaster

How to enjoy roller coaster

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Go on a roller coaster can be an awesome experience. We teach you how to relax to enjoy the experience.

enjoy roller coaster

How to lose your fear in the amusement park

We arrived at the amusement park, there are hundreds of attractions, but there is always a protagonist, or a protagonist to be more exact. If the park has a roller coaster it is more likely that the longer lines are there.Read More »How to enjoy roller coaster

Central Chile

Central Chile: Select unmissable places

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Central Chile has many advantages. Santiago de Chile, at the foot of the Andes Cordillera, impresses with its historic, bohemian and its surrounding vineyards. Valparaiso, legendary port classified to the World Heritage of Unesco, facing the Pacific from the top of its 44 planted hills with colorful houses.

Central Chile

Santiago de Chile
City founded by Pedro de Valdivia in 1541 under the Spanish era, today it is a great modern capital of 6 million inhabitants. The oldest Quartiersles are located around the Place d’Armes. Read More »Central Chile: Select unmissable places

prepare hiking backpack

Preparing a backpack for hike

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Some tips on what items to carry on a hike and how to accommodate them in a backpack.

prepare hiking backpack

Ideas for preparing backpack
There are several elements that go inside the backpack; we must sort them in such a way that the space will be used as best as possible, balancing the weights so that the greatest weight does not fall on one side of it. Inside the backpack there is space to accommodate a couple of teaspoons for tea and other covered.Read More »Preparing a backpack for hike

Iguazu Falls

Northeast of Argentina: Selection of places

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The north-east Argentina, border with Paraguay and Brazil, offers landscapes completely separate from the rest of the country. This hilly region is bordered by two major rivers, the Uruguay and Parana.

Iguazu Falls

It is famous for the exceptional Iguazu Falls National Park and the Jesuit Missions. The area of ponds and the lagoons of Ibera and the immense palm plantation of Palmar National Park is a paradise for lovers of wildlife and subtropical flora.Read More »Northeast of Argentina: Selection of places