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ski holiday

Prepare your ski holiday

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Finally! snow is here. You look forward to the slopes and take a breath of fresh air or nature. But to enjoy all the best to plan your stay!

ski holiday

First, we must choose our destination. There are many hill stations as it is in France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, etc.. Before you book one or the other, make sure that it corresponds to your expectations: living with family or friends? What is your level of skiing? Skiing or track? budget? etc..Read More »Prepare your ski holiday

south asia travel

Reserve your cheap ticket for summer trip in South East Asia

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South East Asia is surrounded by many breathtaking and sightseeing countries. You can explore many great things while visiting in famous regions and parts over South East Asia.

However when you plan your summer trip towards South East Asia, you have to reserve cheap tickets for you as well as your family members. Where can I reserve my own ticket for Asia tour? There are many travel sites wherefrom people can reserve their cheap airline tickets. Read More »Reserve your cheap ticket for summer trip in South East Asia

fly first class or business

Does travel in first or economy class?

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If budget is not your problem, traveling on a flight in business class can make a difference. But, is it worth it?

fly first class or business

Differences between economy and business class
When taking a flight, most people opt for the cheapest option, also known as “economy class”. Its price, much cheaper than first class or “business”, is what catches most people to fly with that option, despite having no advantage granted to board the plane in first class. What are the differences and which one is best?Read More »Does travel in first or economy class?

avoid dizziness on a trip

How to avoid dizziness when traveling

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Some suffer intense dizziness and nausea during a trip ashore. For all of them, here are some tips to enjoy the trip without problems.

avoid dizziness on a trip

Tips to avoid dizziness on a trip
When traveling by car, by train, by bus or by any land transportation, sometimes feel a malaise resulting in dizziness or nausea caused by the motion of the vehicle. It is a common evil can be remedied with little tricks.Read More »How to avoid dizziness when traveling

visit museum

Preparing to visit a museum

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Do you want to visit a museum but do not want to look like a fool? Do you have an appointment at a museum and wants to look good? If you are going through this or just wants to take advantage of your trip, soak about what to do.

visit museum

Ideas to prepare before you go to a museum
Before going to the place, find out if the museum is predominantly old, modern or contemporary history. This way you will already have an idea about the trend of the place and may decide in advance whether to go or not. Take note of what was happening during the years in which the works were made, because art reflects society, economy and politics of the moment.Read More »Preparing to visit a museum

trip to Cuba

Preparing a trip to Cuba

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Traveling is one of the greatest pleasures that human beings might have, since partly because you go out of the routine of life, you know and you can have full faith because you saw things. So when you have that opportunity you should not pass up. It is known that many times depending on where we want to go the costs are quite high, but if we take care to save we will be able to fulfill that dream.

trip to Cuba

One of the most beautiful islands on our planet is the island of Cuba, often crossed by the air when we visited the United States, and we wonder what should be in that place of charm, sometimes we hear about it for the political regime in which they live and one wonders, how Cubans really live?. Well all these questions the best answer is to visit.Read More »Preparing a trip to Cuba

packing for long trips

Preparing packing for long trips

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There will be many days of travel, so the packing of the suitcase should be very thought out and strategic. Here are some tips to keep in mind when putting together your bags and get everything ready for a long trip.

packing for long trips

How to get everything ready for a long trip
When we set up the suitcase for a weekend getaway or a short trip, we put in there just a few changes of clothes, a more elegant garment, footwear and two or three essential use elements. However, when we set up the suitcase for a long trip the issue becomes more complicated. We must anticipate the needs of a long period of time in which we will have neither our wardrobes, neither our shoes nor accessories or everyday items.Read More »Preparing packing for long trips

visit malaga

Visit Malaga

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Malaga is a destination near the sun, on the Mediterranean coast is one of the gems of Andalusia. Malaga is considered the capital of the Costa del Sol in Spain. It is the birthplace of Pablo Picasso.

visit malaga

Malaga is a city where you have to go to beaches and bars, small restaurants. But Malaga is not a festive place because you can visit a lot of things at a lower cost because life is cheaper. Linger on a terrace and watch the eclectic side of the diversity of tourists is a real pleasure.Read More »Visit Malaga

choose hotel in New York

How to choose a hotel in New York?

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You go to New York soon, you swept the different types of accommodation and your choice stopped on a hotel stay. You just have to choose between thousands of hotel. How do you choose?

choose hotel in New York

Determine your budget first and foremost. Indeed, various selection criteria that follow (e.g. location) will depend primarily on your budget. Attention also to the period: needless to say that the summer is the most expensive. Allow approximately between 150 and 200 dollars a night for a decent room, that is to say, without cockroaches in the bathroom, which is not tiny, where the welcome is warm and the location rather advantageous.Read More »How to choose a hotel in New York?