If possible matches in the middle of the night, in the heart of Rome. The best time to visit. Give yourself an appointment to the Pincio, and spied its gates, Villa Medici. Go down the steps of Trinita dei Monti and cross Piazza di Spagna. Direction of the Nazarene.

Pass Via Del Tritone and relax for a few minutes in silence (miracle) Entertainment to hear the voice dripping of the Trevi Fountain. Less beautiful than what is said but incredibly capable of hypnotizing.
Go through the course, say hello to the Pantheon and Piazza di Pietra (the other absent severe), from its Kantian point of view. So Look out for Palazzo Altemps in San Appolinare and finally entered on tiptoe to Piazza Navona.
After a souvenir photo in front of Palazzo Pamphili, go next to Palazzo Braschi, then tuck behind and point to the Clock Square (where Verdone sleeping in the car looking at the stars).
Here you can also give a look at Palazzo Taverna and its courtyard where you lose the santa, then cross the Corso Vittorio and Via Giulia take to go hunting in the Palazzo Sacchetti where you hide the depressed guy who reads Proust.
Pull forward and reach one of the two bridges (Sisto and Mazzini) and get off on the River Tiber in the middle of the ramparts, where you can relive the walk existential Jep on the river.
When you have recovered, go walk on the Janiculum hill, looking to the right but to the left, with a keen eye to the Dome, much like Sorrentino (and not only).
Finally then all downhill, go up to the village, and have breakfast at La Veranda. Do not worry; you can also just take a cappuccino (not the priest, but the coffee and milk).
At this point, however, you’ll be ready for the final effort. Go back up to the Janiculum because San Pietro in Montorio has finally opened, and discover the Temple of Bramante.
Then when retrace the contrary Via Garibaldi exits before you get to the bottom and turn right, cutting toward Porta Portese and Pons Sublicius. Already below you can see already that there remains only the Aventine hill to climb.
The treasures that await you are all in a row. The Priory of the Knights of Malta with its telescope in the lock, Santa Sabina and Giardino degli Aranci.
By now the day draws to an end. You just have to go down with the sun to the Baths of Caracalla and the Circus Maximus, and the Colosseum. From the terrace of Jep there would be an unforgettable sunset of those, but if you do not go up, drool from Colle Oppio, then switch to the Fori Imperiali and go to the Capitol, there is the most beautiful house in the film: Capitoline Museums.
In theory you should be destroyed now. But if you still have breath and willingness to face the new night, close the circle and cross Piazza Venezia, climbs from Trajan’s Column to the Tower of the Militia.