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kelburn castle

Strange Buildings, the Brazilian castle in Scotland

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It is certainly not the largest castle in Scotland, but Kelburn Castle, 35 km west of Glasgow, is certainly the most striking and original castle in this part of Britain. Forget the traditional facade gray or brown that can be seen on most of the castles. A range of vivid colors and large in size, bring this XIII century building directly into our modern age.

kelburn castle

Graffiti project, so was renamed this operation, started in 2007, when the owner of the castle, The Earl of Glasgow, it was said that it was necessary to remove an entire part of the building constructed in concrete, because it was unsafe: part that was added to the building in 1950. But at this point intervened the sons of the count, which have convinced the ‘Santa Claus’ to ‘graffiti tare’ this part of the castle, before it was removed.Read More »Strange Buildings, the Brazilian castle in Scotland

Thor's Well

Spectacular natural scenery, Thor’s Well on the Oregon coast in the US

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Thor’s Well, almost sitting on the edge of the Oregon Coast, seems a mythological gaping hole over the abyss, which does not fill ever, despite the uninterrupted flow of sea water that disappears into its depths. But Thor’s Well, not to be confused with the wedge of Odin, it is not bottomless, although it still remains very dangerous.

Thor's Well

Also known as the exhaust pipe of the Pacific, in its “desecrated” version, the well is actually a hole in the rock deep probably only about 20 meters, nothing to do with the giant open pit mine in Siberia. But even if the well at the end is not as magical as it may seem, it is still a great place for taking pictures, preferably with the backdrop of the sun setting over the Pacific Ocean.Read More »Spectacular natural scenery, Thor’s Well on the Oregon coast in the US


Reasons to go to the Colorado

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Colorado have a lots of accommodation for stay, full of treasures an incredible variety of landscapes (mountains, canyons, deserts, sand dunes, etc … all in one state), a certain authenticity with its charming western villages, as well as the strengths of a large American city with Denver. Here we give some reasons to go in Colorado:


To see the Maroon Bells, one of the most beautiful landscapes of the American West
Their name is derived from their bell-shaped appearance. A magic palace that is located in the Aspen area.

To see the country’s highest sand dunes
The Great Sand Dunes national park is the kind of landscape that one would not expect to see in the US but in Africa. And yet it exists and the highest dunes reach 200 meters. On the dunes, it is even possible to surf on sand!Read More »Reasons to go to the Colorado

skiing in Innsbruck

Skiing in Innsbruck city in Austria

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Skiers know it; the hardest part is the preparation. The outfit in the morning, the arrival to the systems that lead to what is in altitude, with the car if you are staying away, and then the lift on the slopes, where you wear your skis and, finally, skiing. All this can take up to one hour or more, especially when you are skiing with kids in tow.

skiing in Innsbruck

In Innsbruck you have the chance to get out from home, skiing in shoulder, to start the day directly from the old town, where you arrive at an altitude of 2,000 meters in 20 minutes, ready to experience the excitement of one of the biggest ski areas in the Alps.Read More »Skiing in Innsbruck city in Austria

advice when travelling by plane

Advice To Consider When Travelling By Plane On Longer Distances

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There are so many things that you have to understand about air travel. People are naturally not preparing properly and there is so much that is not actually known about the process. In most situations people visit an airport hotels site, book travel, book accommodations and then go to the airport. The big problem is that what you are used to without a local flight does not always apply to long distance flights. With this in mind, here are some things you will want to know.

advice when travelling by plane

For starters, in the event that you have troubles with air travel, you will want to take some chamomile teabags with you. Talk with an attendant and get some hot water. Brew yourself some chamomile tea and you will quickly notice the fact that you will have a much more relaxing sleep. Read More »Advice To Consider When Travelling By Plane On Longer Distances

relaxing in scotland

Relaxing in Scotland – top travel tips

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It’s never a bad idea to travel, is it? If you work hard day in and day out at your office or are too busy in managing your business, either ways you know the importance of getting away from work. Some times all you need to do is pack your bags, leave your phone back home and leave! And when it comes to travelling, what better place that Scotland! Whisky in one hand and a map in other, you are set to achieve peace of mind. Well if you are planning to visit, here are some tips on relaxing in Scotland. While you might know already about some of these tips, some other ones will make your trip more beautiful and memorable.

relaxing in scotland

Do all your bookings in advance!
Yes, there are many travellers who pop in some new place and then find themselves with no place to live in. One must avoid this. To have a smooth trip you must do your planning well in advance. First of all, research about the air tickets. There are various sites online offering different for the same flight. So choose wisely. Following you air ticket bookings, you must research about what are your options to stay there. Reserve apartments well in advance but only after browsing through a number of options. You will find right from cheap budget accommodations to very expensive luxury ones, depending on how much you are ready to spend.Read More »Relaxing in Scotland – top travel tips

tech travel experience

Packing for a tech savvy travel experience

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The tech markets are always abuzz with action. Whereas some manufacturers are busy experimenting with underwater vehicles to make your Caribbean travels more exciting, some are actually producing some special travel centric tech products that you’d not want to miss. Whether you wish to pack for a relaxed weekend with lots of gaming at luxurious and fully loaded Ibiza Summer Villas, or want to head off to seclusions of Alps, these products stake claims to your attention.

tech travel experience

The August Smart Lock – remote controlling access to your home, car, and whatever
How about remotely controlling the locking and unlocking of your house’s main door for your home help, while you are away on a tour? With the August Smart Lock, the technology used by the leading financial institutions in the world is packed into a lock which can be controlled via an application resting on your Android and iPhone devices. This is a keyless entry system that continues to be compatible with single cylinder deadbolts. Settings and access controls can all be managed through the application associated with the device. What’s more, if your smartphone is stolen, all you need to do is to visit the website and disable authentication from there. Though technically something that you’d not pack into your travel suitcases, this gadget is a must have for the techy traveler. Read More »Packing for a tech savvy travel experience

northern lights

Where and when to see the Northern Lights

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The Aurora Borealis is evocative of a spectacular granted to a relatively high number of lucky. The same people who with patience and determination after enduring the cold, are “rewarded” by chromatic nuances that make the special sky. It is never guaranteed to be able to witness this phenomenon, but certainly better to carefully choose the place where to avoid waiting a certain disappointment.

northern lights

When you see it?
The period is rather large and is between late autumn and early spring, to be precise between the two equinoxes. For months in which it is easier to be able to attend the event, because its increase the hours of darkness, including mostly between 18 and one in the morning. To prevent the mercury drop too, might be a good idea to start between September and November, but even after if you feel because by December snow increases and the polar nights, mainly from parts of Norway. Sometimes auroras appear for several days and continuously, on other occasions, however the sky is still dark with no gradation. Let’s say that you still need a bit of luck.Read More »Where and when to see the Northern Lights

archipelagos of sweden

Travel between the archipelagos of Sweden

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There are many, some small, some large, some rocky and uninhabited other green. There are the many islands and islets that make up the archipelagos of Sweden.

The archipelagos of Sweden are 5 and mainly located near the city of Stockholm and Gotheborg, but generally surround the entire country, from the extreme north of Swedish Lapland to the extreme south and along the west coast.

archipelagos of sweden

The Sweden’s archipelagoes are a tourist destination much sought after, especially for nature lovers – are rich in flora and fauna – and the sporting and outdoors. Let’s find out more.Read More »Travel between the archipelagos of Sweden