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Skydiving: Basic Tips for Beginners

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Skydiving is favorite hobby for many travelers, as more and more people who want to experience the sensation of adrenaline release through free fall. There are lots of famous ski driving places in the word. You can choose Taupo – New Zealand, Wollongong – Sydney, Nendaz – Switzerland, Everest – Seville – Spain and many more places.


To dream of flying is one of the most primitive desires of humans and, therefore, there were many visionaries who sought to develop a system that could afford it.

If this is the first time we’re going to go skydiving is vital to choose a good ski school that specialized in this sport, you can choose ski school that has a competent professional to provide us with everything necessary to safely jump from the theoretical to the equipment necessary. It consists of a jumpsuit, a harness, a helmet, goggles and gloves.

It is also important that we establish a good relationship with our instructor and that give us confidence as he shall guide our jumps. We ask all that worry us to clear doubts and remain calm. Ski instructor offer professional ski lesson for beginners which will be helpful for them to experienced skiers.

Finally, we should not forget that we must protect our body from cold temperatures caused by the high altitude, so we have to bring warm clothing that is comfortable and appropriate footwear to protect our ankles when landing.

To practice skydiving, it is essential to have an optimal physical and mental condition, so it is not an activity suitable for people who suffer from heart problems or those who are taking medications that decrease the attention or cause drowsiness. Also keep in mind if you have practiced scuba diving or if you have recently donated blood, informing the monitor so that it take appropriate action and decide if it is a good time to make the jump or if you should wait a couple of days to be in perfect condition.

For those who do not comply with any of the previous observations, the prerequisites for practicing skydiving are not measuring more than two meters; it is thought more than 110 kilos and is over 16 years.