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How to do and what must contain in the suitcase 10?

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This time we suggest you get the ‘perfect suitcase’ for your travels. Whether holidays, breaks or just a business trip, there are certain things that should never miss in a suitcase. Take paper and pen, we travel with the perfect suitcase under our arm.

Divide and conquer: Since the airlines were demanding with the topic of space, in all the low cost you have to pay by invoice. Are the prices? Expensive. This is why it is best to for short trips always have prepared a suitcase that you can carry in cabin (remember that the standard size is 55x40x20 for most companies).

travel with the perfect suitcase

It is important to always have a ‘hand’ suitcase and a bag, large closet, bowling type, you can take with you and serve you as an extension of the suitcase (useful for books, iPad, pashmina …). Eye on Easy Jet only let you take one piece, so to enter the plane will have to get your bag into the suitcase.

What should contain: Because of numerous trips, there are many things that I have chosen to duplicate, as the dryer and toiletry bag (full of boats not exceeding 100ml). These two pieces never extract them of the suitcase when I’m home, so I know that I will never forget those. There was a stage where I decided to buy things wherever went but of course, between the remover, hair foam, conditioner, etc., The end products at home had more than a perfume … and not all fit.

The clothes in perfect condition: After an arduous research work, get tired of hotels and have to put a board or send the clothes to the cleaners, I found the way, well, two ways that clothing arrives without not a wrinkle to your destination. How? The first option is to buy an onion roll and use it to add a layer each time you double the dress, shirt. The paper absorbs the wrinkles and allows labeling. Of course, recycle it, otherwise the trip will be expensive … And the second way is rolling the clothes. If you’re in a hurry and do not have paper, roll the garment as if you were doing a roll, instead of fold it. It never fails.

Long and exotic trips: The first aid kit. There is nothing more practical than buying one of these travel kits that include everything: bandages, disinfectant, water purification tablets… everything. It will seem an unnecessary expense because not often make trips to places where not able to buy a few simple strips but believe me, it is one of the most useful things I have purchased. You never know what can happen and where you’ll catch.

The basics: Forget slippers, towels, beach bags and other objects that occupy so much of suitcases. In most hotels already have them and saves space to put purchases on arrival at your back.