Patagonia: Bernardo O’Higgins National Park

The Bernardo O’Higgins National Park is a vast natural area that is located in southern Chile. The park includes a large part of the South Patagonian Ice Field, the second ice field adjacent to the world, beyond the pole.

bernardo national park

The Southern Ice Fields are the protagonists of this landscape and still remain one of the most charming and authentic land, giving visitors an ‘unforgettable experience.

The South Patagonian Ice Park is the largest of the two remaining parts of the Patagonian ice sheet, which covered the entire southern Chile during the last ice age. One of the main attractions of this area is the Bruggen Glacier, also known as Pío XI Glacier, or Lake Greve, or even the active volcanoes, covered with ice, the Lautaro Volcano.

There are many activities to be exercised in this park, from rafting to horseback riding, from fishing to kayaking.

Starting from the Bernardo O’Higgins park, along a path of about one kilometer, which allows you to walk to the Serrano Glacier, one of the most spectacular in the area.